Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway itu adalah aktris. dia cantik banget loohh. Anne mulai populer pas dia lagi meranin tokoh Mia Thermopolis di film "The Princess Diaries"tahun 2001. Anne lahir tanggal 12 november 1982. dia dari new york, amerikaa. katanya sih nanti si anne itu bakalan ikut meranin film "Rock of Ages" barengan sama Tom Cruise. jadi di film itu ceritanya si tom akan berperan jadi Stacee Jaxx( karakter rocker legendaris di era 1980an) terus si annenya bakalan jadi jurnalis yang awalnya bersikap sinis sama si Stacee (Tom). Tapi nanti akhirnya si anne itu malah suka sama si tomm. aw aw awwww

Liat deh foto fotonya si anne hathaway! cantik bangett

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

2 minggu yang lalu, gw jalan-jalan ke pulau seribu sama papah, mamah, adek, kakak, daaannn kakaaakk -_- tapi cuman sehari disanaa, sebentar banget ya :(  disana seruu loohhh

nyampe disana tuh siaang hari tengah boloongg -_- panaass banget lagi. makanya pas nyampe langsung ke cottagenya terus berelaksasi (?) terus iseng iseng foto foto deh. tapi kayak jadi gimana gitu fotonya,ehehehe

Ini pas besok paginya. langsung foto foto gitu guee,ckckck. ini foto pemanasan biar hott (??)

Ini pas di pantaaaiiinya :D
foto bareng kak chikaaaaaaa. eh perhatiin deh, sendalnya kan samaan loohh -_- unyuu kaann

foto gue disini ga terlalu bagus deh,huuuuu. tapi pas foto sesi ini (ejieeee) SERU BANGETT!!! ;D

Suka bangeettt foto yang iniiii, wiiww wiiwww wiiiww :D

jadi di depan cottagenya ada saung saungan gitu. terus gue foto dehh disituuu

Nahhh itu foto foto gue pas di pulau seribuu. seru banget loh disanaaa. oh iya gue ke pulau bidadarinya yaa. sebenernya masih banyak lagi fotonya, tp jangan di masukin blog ahh nanti kalian terpana semua lagii *ningningning* (????)

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Recommended Places to visit

This is the list where you can see how amazing the world are.

1.Angel Waterfall
Angel waterfall or Salto Angel or Angel is a free-falling waterfall, this is the highest waterfall in the world with a height of 979 meters (3212 feet) with no barriers fall around 807 meters (2647 feet). This waterfall is located in the Rio Caroni, Canaima National Park, Venezuela

2.Clifft of Moher
Clifft of moher is located Country Clare, Irlandia. This is also one of 28 finalist for "The New 7 Wonders of Nature". The height of the cliff 120 meter above the Atlantic Ocean and reaches a maximum altitude of 214 meterss. This cliff is one of Ireland's most spectacular views. On a clear day, Aran Islands, valleys and hills of Connemara can be seen from the top of the cliff

3.Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest collection of coral reefs which consists of approximately 3,000 reefs and 900 islands stretching along 2,600 km. These reefs are located in the Coral Sea, Queensland in northeast Australia. Most of these coral areas, including parts that are protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

4.Iguazu Falls 
Iguazu falls is a waterfall that has a height of 82 m in the hole known as "Satan attacking. " In 1986, this waterfall is included in the list of world heritage by UNESCO. Iguazu Falls is also a finalist for one of seven modern wonders of the world.

5.Milford Sound
Milford Sound is a place of tourism within Fiordland National Park and World Heritage site "Te Wahipounamu". This place is also the most famous tourist destinations in New Zealand. We can see the cliffs and waterfalls, doing water sports, and boating at this place.

6.Puerto Princesa is an underground river located in protected forest on the northern coast of the island of Palawan, Philippines. Until the latest discovery in 2007 that an underground river the other located in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, Puerto Princesa famous as the longest underground river in the world. Puerto Princesa Underground River reached 8.2 kilometers (5 miles) which empties into the South China Sea.

About Me

Before I post something in my blog, I will introduce myself first! My name is Rifdah Aulia. You can call me Rifdah. I'm study in Junior High School and now I'm in my third years. I was born in Jakarta on 13th May. I like listening to the music, any kind of music which i could enjoy it. I like traveling very much! I like to visit new places, because it can add my experience. But it isn't mall anymoree. I love classic country a lot! such as France, Swiss, and Germany. I wish in the future i can go theree and maybe move to those country. But waaittt!! no no nooo, i've just changed my mind. I don't want move from Indonesia, because i love this country very very much! :)
By the way, did you know what's the meaning of my blog's name?
; taken from french language and it means thousands of stars. I think that name is very unique. Therefore I named my blog with that name